It can be said that motorcycle traveling is the most popular event for single bikers. However, not all motorcycle riders can afford such expensive cost. In fact, here are some special and useful ways that can help motorcycle enthusiasts to achieve their dream of a free or a cheap motorcycle touring. Maybe it seems difficult, but get yourself a free motorcycle touring can be achieved ... more >>
There is a lot of fun when riding with a passenger on the motorcycle, but you need to be aware of some problems related to this kind of couple riding. Once you carry a passenger on the back of your motorcycle, you have to take on the responsibility of the life of another biker man or biker woman.
To have a nice and comfortable motorcycling trip with a passenger, you need to make a... more >>
There are many articles or magazines about some skills of dating a single biker woman. However, biker women cannot find much related information that can help motorcycle girl to date a biker man. So if you are a biker girl and want to have a biker dating with a man, you may feel perplexed. Please don’t worry about that, because here are some suggestions to help you figure it out.
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If you are a biker single, then dating another local biker can seem like to
achieve a win-win situation untimately and it absolutely can be. However, there
are some potential weaknesses that you need to consider before you start dating
someone in a group riding or in a motorcycle activity.
Rule #1: Riding together
It is absolutely one of the biggest potential positive fact... more >>
In the past, there was a stigma that only men could ride motorcycles on the
street and women were supposed to be at home cooking and washing. You could
hardly see a woman riding motorcycles anywhere in the world, but recent years
witness an increasing number of women starting to control their own lives and to
realize their dreams of riding a motorcycle on the open road. Biker... more >>
Dating a biker man is the dream of many girls. Biker men are those who have a
passion for motorcycles and have a great personality which are the qualities
that women look for in a man. Most of them are hardworking, honest and even
soft-spoken people who happen to enjoy motorcycle riding. So, for those biker
women looking for love or those girls who desire for a great guy to d... more >>
Most biker men prefer to date a biker woman who shares the same passion for
motorcycle riding with them. For those biker guys, biker girls are more
attractive and sexier on motorcycles. Compared with ordinary women, biker women
are more popular among biker men because they think it will be easier to
communicate with biker girls who live the same lifestyle as they do.
In fact... more >>