There is a lot of fun when riding with a passenger on the motorcycle, but you need to be aware of some problems related to this kind of couple riding. Once you carry a passenger on the back of your motorcycle, you have to take on the responsibility of the life of another biker man or biker woman.
To have a nice and comfortable motorcycling trip with a passenger, you need to make an appropriate adjustment with your motorcycle. You have to understand that when the weight changes, the center of gravity will shift, and braking will also be affected. In addition, trust is also essential. Both of you and your biker partner need to believe that you have enough riding skills of carrying a passenger and believe you can be qualified for this role. Perhaps, you will encounter such a situation that a passenger asks whether you have a motorcycle riding license? Have you ever carried someone? Should I believe you when sitting on your motorcycle backseat? Are we both safe?
In the US today, there are 20 states having universal mandatory helmet laws, and almost every motorcycle rider and passenger has their own safety gear. So you may see the bikers and passengers making a lot of different levels of preparation before start riding, especially in the motorcycle races. Different bikers have different risk tolerance and different definition of personal responsibility, here are some basic safe riding ways when carrying a passenger below.
Communication is very important between bikers and passengers. If your passenger is new to motorcycling, you need to tell her or him something about your motorcycle and your riding style, for instance, where to place his (or her) feet, how to get on and get off the motorcycle, and how to sit on the backseat.
Wearing protective gear is the basic factor of safe riding. You have the right to take adventures at the risk of your own life, but you have no rights to recklessly endanger other person’s, even if your passenger tells you she (or he) doesn’t care about any dangers. Just for fun. But you also should prepare basic protective gear for her (or him) to ensure safety.
At last, check your motorcycle before riding. Safety is the precondition of seeking pleasures and excitements. Compared to riding alone, it is a little more dangerous when carrying a passenger on the backseat, but it can get double fun and double happiness. So riding with a passenger is an important part of biker’s lifestyle, which is also a way to meet and date local biker who love riding motorcycles at the same time.
If you are still riding alone, you can try to carry a passenger on your backseat, which is another joy. Of course, if you are looking for love with a biker, this is also a good way which can not only save time but also can save money.